Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Good morning!

I started back at the gym... can't use the excuse I just had a baby anymore.  :)  Tuesdays and Thursdays I do cardio at the gym with my mom after she gets off work. It is so fun to do together! Dad comes over to hang with my husband and son and then we eat dinner all together. It is really a great night! That being said, after working out, eating, cleaning up, showering, visiting, and doing our son's night time routine, I was just too worn out to blog. Don't let that be an indication of last night's dinner, however! Slow Cooker BLT Brisket was Dee-lish!!! Check out my review on the original recipe post! You won't be sorry!

Tonight we will be having the Pasta & Broccoli Sausage Simmer. Stay tuned for our review!

Thanks for joining us for dinner! See you tonight!


  1. Good to hear you're at the gym! Maybe I can get in a workout with you when I come visit in July!

    1. Absolutely, E! I'll work on getting a guest pass before you arrive!!
