Friday, September 28, 2012

Pumpkin Pancakes

Credit: High Heels & Grills

Cochran Review: After a tough night of teething with our son, my husband told me to go back to sleep as he got up with our son. Super husband moment! He looked up this recipe on my Pinterest board, took our son to the store to get ingredients, and I woke to the smell of these delicious pumpkin pancakes, bacon and coffee! Heaven! The pancakes were moist, fall like, and wonderful just like you would hope! I imagine he made them just as directed... my husband is a wonderful cook by number sort of chef. Meaning, he follows recipes precisely. Unlike me. I get distracted by creativity. You should definitely give these a try! Enjoy!

Here's a pic he took for my blog before I woke! Another super husband moment!


  1. Awesome! Way to go, Donnie! Mom tried a new pancake recipe yesterday; with peanut butter... they were to die for! But we ran out of syrup; those things sure did soak it up. :^)

    1. Yes! He is amazing! Just another day that reminded me of our blessed life! Yum! Can you share the recipe?
