Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Daphne Oz's Chicken with Sweet Potatoes

Credit: The Chew's Daphne Oz

Cochran Comments: I did all of the chopping and work this morning after breakfast, but I would recommend preparing your meat and veggies the night before if you have to be somewhere (ie work) in the morning. It took me about 30 minutes from starting the prep work to firing up my slow cooker. Pretty easy, tho. I peeled the sweet potatoes. The recipe doesn't really specify, but the pic above doesn't show skin on and I'm not a big fan of sweet potato skin.

I don't have Curry Powder on hand. So, I researched a substitute. I found a conversation on Yahoo Answers stating the following for a substitute:
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp ground cumin powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander powder
  • red chili powder, to taste
  • optional: pinch of nutmeg, pinch of cardamom powder, pinch of cinnamon
I only needed a teaspoon of curry powder. So, I didn't follow the amounts exactly. I just kind of sprinkled the above seasonings over the chicken in the slow cooker. However, I don't have turmeric either. So, back to substitute research, and found mustard powder per

Well, the reviews on the recipe site are right, there's a lot of liquid leftover. I too would probably cut the original liquids in half to start this meal. There was so much liquid, I'm not sure the amount of cornstarch recommended really made a difference in thickening. I didn't add more, because I didn't want to add to the calories. Waste not, want not! I actually strained the leftover sauce and I'm gonna try to use the now broth in place of water or chicken broth the next time I make quinoa. I'll keep you posted about this.

First bite words, "Woo! Bring on the back heat!" The first bite was a little alarming, but it was never too much for my husband and I. Our almost two year old doesn't quite care for hot food as much as we do yet, and he has a sensitive stomach. So, I chickened out and gave him plain chicken.

The flavor was great, the textures were great, and good news! The flavors and textures maintained for leftovers! Yay!

I didn't make the spinach side recommended in the original recipe. I served 2 & 1/2 bags of baby spinach to my family already this week. I knew they were probably over it, because I (the vegetable lover) was. So, I got some fresh green beans from my local produce stand. I put 2 Tbsp of oil in a pan, 2 minced garlic cloves, and heated it up, but didn't brown it. I cleaned and cut the tips off the green beans, and threw the beans into the pan with oil and garlic. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook for a few minutes. Since my main dish had some soy sauce in the base, I decided to add a bit to my green beans. Maybe a tablespoon or so... to taste. Cook a little longer. I like to cook green beans down a little bit so they soften slightly from their original texture, but still have some crunch. You can't cook fresh green beans incorrectly. Their safe to eat fresh or mushy. So, just use your judgement to your liking, and enjoy! Right before plating the beans I folded some sesame seeds into them. Again, to your liking. Hope your family enjoys this dish as much as we did!

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