Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall Party Food & Decorating

A month or so ago I was watching The Chew, and Clinton Kelly had such a cute idea for a cheese selection display. I looked and can't find the idea online, so I don't have a link to share. However, I hosted two parties last month and made my own version. It was a huge hit with my guests, and I want to share with all of you. So easy, too!

First, I went shopping for fresh fruit, dry fruit, various cheeses, and crackers. Then I asked for paper bags from my local grocery. I cut the large rectangular sides out and taped them together with the grocer's name on bottom. Then I cut small pieces of wax/parchment paper to place on top of the bag, but under my cheeses. From there I cut the cheeses and fresh fruit. Then I arranged my snacks on the paper bags, labeling all of them with a sharpie marker right on the taped bags. Ta dah! I very approachable and casual cheese and fruit spread!

I decorated the tables with gourds drilled with candle size holes in them. I then placed candles in the holes and lite them. So cheap, easy, festive, and pretty! Careful to only to this a day in advance... they molded very fast. 

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